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TORONTO, November 2, 2023 - Today’s Fall Economic Statement from the Ontario

Government echoes its commitment to investing in infrastructure and Ontario’s skilled

trades workforce.

“The Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario welcomes Minister

Bethlenfalvy’s announcement that the provincial Government will be establishing an

Ontario Infrastructure Bank that will help create new employment opportunities for

skilled trades workers, as outlined in today’s Fall Economic Statement,” said Marc

Arsenault, Business Manager of the Provincial Building and Construction Trades

Council of Ontario (PBCTCO). “Such a bank can be an excellent catalyst for the

construction of new housing, roads, and energy infrastructure to support our growing


It was announced that the establishment of an Ontario Infrastructure Bank will help to

finance capital investments in infrastructure, above and beyond the $184 billion

earmarked over the next decade, as outlined in the 2023 Budget. Initially, the

Government will fund $3 billion (CAD) with projects expected in the spring.

“As well, the Council appreciates the work being done on a proposed regulatory

framework for target benefits. In consultation with the Multi-Employer Benefit Plan

Council of Canada (MEBCO), the Building Trades recognize that much work still needs

to be done to make proposed legislation suitable for Ontario’s skilled trades workforce

as well as retirees who have dedicated their lives towards building-up our province with

the expectation of enjoying a healthy retirement with secure pensions. The Council is

fully committed to continue to work closely with the Government on the proposed

framework to keep workers at the forefront of the conversation and any final policy

outcomes,” stated Arsenault.

Additionally, the Building Trades welcomed the enhancement of the Skills Development

Fund (SDF) with a fourth round of funding, at $160 million through the training stream

and additional new investments in Transportation Infrastructure.

The Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario represents

150,000 construction trades workers throughout the province.


For more information, please contact Kate Walsh, Executive Director of Communications (, 613-298-0652)


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